1. communist
  2. red
communist block
countries of communist obedience İsim
communist counter revolution
to profess oneself a communist Fiil
communist party Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
communist party
communist cells in an industrial town İsim
Maoist Communist Party Özel Isim, Siyasi Partiler
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party Özel Isim, Siyasi Partiler
United Communist Party of Turkey Özel Isim, Siyasi Partiler
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey Özel Isim, Siyasi Partiler
Communist Labor Party of Turkey Özel Isim, Siyasi Partiler
Communist Party of Turkey Özel Isim, Siyasi Partiler

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Komünizm taraftarı olan kimse