1. Özel Isim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler Parliament
  2. committee
  3. circle
  4. assembly
  5. congress
  6. convention
  7. board
  8. soviet
  9. synod
  10. assemblage
  11. convocation
  12. council
  13. powwow
  14. divan
common council
court of hustings
(30 members) city council
family council
consultative assembly of the council of europe
assembly of the council of europe
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe İsim, Kurum İsimleri
European parliamentarian assemblies
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe İsim, Avrupa Birliği
court lodge
(Br) House of Lords
Senate of the Ottoman Empire İsim, Tarih
European Parliamentarian Assemblies İsim
Assembly of the Western European Union İsim
district council
local district council
parish council
local board
town council İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
select council
city council
(Br) shop council
urban district council
common council
municipal board
corporate authority
village council
shop council
municipal assembly
local council
municipal council İsim, Hukuk
municipal council İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
First Constitutional Assembly Özel Isim, Tarih
district council
grand national assembly
Assembly of the Republic İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
privy council
state assembly
youth council İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
people's assembly İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
council of war
First Constitutional Assembly Özel Isim, Tarih
Second Constitutional Assembly Özel Isim, Tarih
management council
board of directors
body of curators
board of regents
departmental committee
county council
drinking about
women's assembly İsim
women's council İsim
(Br) church assembly
parochial council
church assembly
court of common council
Chamber of Deputies Özel Isim, Tarih
Chamber of Deputies Özel Isim, Tarih
parliamentary inquiry İsim, Hukuk
assembly member İsim
Chamber of Deputies Özel Isim, Tarih
national convention
national assembly
(Br) Parliament
district committee Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
party assembly
elective assembly
Sama ceremony Özel Isim, Din ve İnanç
city council
chamber of deputies
lower house
delegation İsim
House of Representatives İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
consumer assembly
the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
the Turkish Parliament
Turkish Exporters Assembly İsim, Kurum İsimleri
citizen assembly İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
common assembly
permanent assembly
directly elected assembly
advisory council
constituent assembly
founding body
constitutional assembly
constitutional convention
constituent assembly İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
constituent national assembly
national assembly
privy chamber
legislative assembly
local council
parliamentary inquiry İsim, Hukuk
Committees on Enquiry İsim, Kurum İsimleri
parliament speaker İsim, Merkezi Yönetim
speaker of the parliament İsim, Merkezi Yönetim
president of the parliament İsim, Merkezi Yönetim
speaker of parliament İsim, Merkezi Yönetim
speaker's ruling
assembly speakership
parliamentary majority İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
outside person
parliamentary privilege
parliamentary group
act of parliament
Assembly decision Özel Isim
parliamentary committee
parliamentary committee
parliamentary undersecretary
session of the parliament
sitting of parliament
parliamentary procedure
council hall
parliamentary inquiry
Parliamentary investigation Özel Isim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
Committees on Investigation İsim, Kurum İsimleri
session of parliament
assembly membership İsim
(US) assemblyman
session of parliament
parliamentary session
council vacancy
two chamber sistem
two chamber system
county councillor councilor
mr . speaker !

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

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