regulatory Sıfat, Kamu Yönetimi
  1. official
  2. device
  3. solemn
  4. stately
  5. ceremonial
  6. affidavit
  7. authorized
  8. stiff
  9. starchy
  10. ceremonious
  11. formal
  12. technical
  13. pertaining to the government or to a government office
forgery on official documents İsim, Ceza Hukuku
Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk
storage tax
assembly drawing
duty of anchorage
government taxes
mural painting
lighthouse charges
light dues
off the record
parade march
financial duty
customhouse duty
news picture
export duty
wharf duty
import duties
canal toll
cover subject
port toll
cave drawing
engineering drawing
egineering drawing
transfer duty
quay dues
tonnage dues
group picture
semi-official Sıfat
toll traverse
proclamation İsim
explicit declaration
official nomenclature
official poster
(Br) sealed contract
convention İsim
formal application
formal proof
official document
public document
official nfr
government papers İsim
formal declaration
solemn declaration
explicit statement
public statement
evidence of public documents
official notification
recognized stock exchange
to deface Fiil
stiff card
official auditor
official language
juridical style
proclamation İsim
formal training
formal dress
party dress
in full dress
official register
(US) official gazette
to dress down Fiil
official function
official position
official messenger
(Br) official referee
official fee
official fees
official notice
official dwelling
official announcement
government notice
requisition İsim
official business
special exception
government authorization
official authorization
government permission
green light
government permit
official paper
regular machinery
determination İsim, Hukuk
official record
official records İsim
official source
review order
official attire
toff and croft
official call
official version
official use
official rate
proclaimed list
public authority
official channels İsim
from official quarters
official machinery
official letter
official authority
public authorities İsim
official authorities İsim
official text
public deposit
official position
official guest
official act
official appraiser
formal consent
broad seal
official authorization
official character
authorized version İsim
officially Zarf
inofficial market
official organ
certificated teacher
official passport
official mail
(US) official mail
official record
official report
official reserves İsim
official authorization
official time
public register
official inquiry
official spokesman
solemn agreement
formal contract
sealed agreement
formal requirements İsim
official estimate
requisition İsim
formal request
official regulations İsim
formal liquidation
qualified approval
official approval
general holiday
official holiday
public holiday
legal holiday
formal communiqué
official notice
formal denial
official representative
solemn ceremony
regulation dress
official uniform
solemn promise
express procuration
formal denial
official publication
governmental publication
picture transmission
official letter İsim, Kamu Yönetimi
official correspondence
official reserves İsim
solemn oath
official powers İsim
public authority
through official channel
official call
state call
set visit
formal call

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Devletle ilgili ... adına olan