1. weapon
  2. hardware
  3. İsim armament
  4. gun
  5. arming
  6. arms
  7. shooting iron
heavy ground weapons İsim, Askerlik
Dragunov sniper rifle İsim, Askerlik
weapon care İsim, Askerlik
Manufacture of weapons and ammunition (NACE code: C25.4) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
Manufacture of weapons and ammunition (NACE code: C25.4.0) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
laying down arms İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
armed conflict İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk
law of armed conflicts İsim, Hukuk
unarmed solution İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
unarmed civilians İsim, Siyaset-Ulusl. İlişkiler
artillery İsim, Askerlik
shooting iron
bioweapon Askerlik
multipurpose weapon
loaded arm
guided weapon
air gun
chemical weapon İsim, Askerlik
horror weapon
bolt-action weapon İsim
automatic weapon
imitation firearm
deadly weapon
lethal weapon
trade weapon
long range weapon
close-range weapon
induction order
conscript reserves İsim
call to arms
to draft Fiil
to conscript Fiil
to call to arms Fiil
under arms
arms embargo İsim
arms agreement
passage of arms
to frisk Fiil
comrade in arms
fellow soldier
companion at arms
companion in arms
to shoot off Fiil
arms welfare center
pile of arms
weapons list
armory İsim
war arsenal İsim
armory İsim, Askerlik
armament plant İsim
armaments plant İsim
war factory İsim
defence defense plant İsim
war plant İsim
assembly plant İsim
weapons development
weapon target line
arms export
export of arms
armament supplies
to present arms Fiil
arm manufacturer
arms manufacturer
armament production
arms import
traffic in arms
smuggling of arms
arms smuggler
gun runner
fraternity in arms
restriction of armaments
arms control agreement
arms control
to bar the use of weapons Fiil
in arms
weapon pit İsim, Askerlik
arms moratorium
arms negotiations İsim
shoulder arms !
gun licence license
supplying weapons İsim
armaments magnate
armament magnet
armament industry
armaments industry
war industry
gun runner
arms selling prices İsim
sale of weapons
arms sales
arms sale
arms shipment
arms shipment
armament limitations İsim
armament order
war order
weapons system
weapon system
weapon stock
arms broker İsim
arms limitation
arms limitation agreement
weapon platoon
rifle exercise
bearing of arms
carrying of arms
carrying arms
baring of arms
weapons carrier truck
gun license
to carry arms Fiil
to bear arms Fiil
to go armed Fiil
to pack a revolver Fiil
fit to carry arms
armament supplies
arms procurement
to hold at gunpoint
gunpoint to hold at gunpoint
gun registration
arms delivery
trade in arms
arms business
gun running
armament makers İsim
military profession
armament maker
armament production
war production
armaments productions
weapons production
production of armaments
weapons activities
war goods
merchant of death İsim
arms race
armament race
arms build-up
force of arms
by force of arms
to slope arms Fiil
to call up troops Fiil
(Br) firearms certificate
firearms certificate
licence to carry firearms
licence license to carry firearms
permit for carrying fire-arms
to throw a gun on sb Fiil
to be quick on the draw Fiil
shooting incident
unauthorized possession of arms
illegal possession of arms
nuclear weapon deal
nuclear weapon stock
illegal possession of arms
carrying a pistol without a license Hukuk
unauthorized possession of arms
carrying arms without a licence
illegal arms trafficking İsim, Hukuk
illicit arms trafficking İsim, Ceza Hukuku

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Düşmanı öldürmek, imhâ etmek veya kendini ... kullanılan her türlü âlet