
  1. Noun, Air Traffic aviation
  2. flying
  3. aeronautics
United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation Noun, International Law
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation Proper Name, International Law
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation Proper Name, Law
civil aviation Noun, Transport
commercial aviation
ultralight aviation Noun, Aviation
secretary of state for air
minister for air
ministry of aviation
aviation office Noun
aviation experience
aviation magazine
avionics Noun, Aviation
Avionics Department Noun, Education-Training
Department of Avionics Noun, Education-Training
aviation law Noun, Law
aviation administration
minister of aviation supply
air regulations Noun
air convention
aviation weather service
aeronautical engineering
aviation school
aviation pioneer
aviation risk
aviation spirit
aviation Noun, Aviation Industry
aviation underwriter
aviation underwriter
aviation insurance Noun
aviation company
aviation supply
aviation organization
aviation base
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Noun, Education-Training
aerospace engineering Noun, Engineering
Aerospace Engineering Department Noun, Education-Training
Department of Aerospace Engineering Noun, Education-Training
aerospace indsutry Noun, Economics
Directorate General of Aeronautics and Space Technologies Noun, Organizations
spatial disorientation Noun
naval aviation
civil aviation permit Noun, Transport
European Civil Aviation Commission Noun
Deputy Directorate General for Maritime and Aviation Noun, Organizations
Army Aviation Command Proper Name, Organizations
Convention on International Civil Aviation Noun, International Law
Air Transportation Directorate
Directorate General of Civil Aviation Noun, Organizations
Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) Noun
Turkish Aerospace Industries Incorporation Noun, Organizations
International Civil Aviation Organization Proper Name, Organizations
ICAO Proper Name, Organizations

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Havada uçma mesleği