
  1. Noun, Law opposition
  2. Noun opposition
  3. reluctance
  4. opposing
  5. defiance
  6. the opposition camp
  7. the opposition
  8. adverseness
congressional opposition
hostility Noun
violation of the Law on Associations Noun, Law
violation of the law Noun, Law
ring-wing opposition
right-wing opposition
right wing opposition
hostility Noun
stiff opposition
left- wing opposition
self-wing opposition
left-wing opposition
social opposition Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
rival candidate
opposition candidate
opposition circles Noun
opposition party majority
dissentient dissenting
dissenting shareholder
adversely Adverb
to kick against the prick Verb
to contest Verb
to balk Verb
to contravene Verb
to offer opposition Verb
opposition group
opposite government
opposition campaign Noun
opposition leader Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
leader of the opposition
(Lat.) nemine contradicente
dissentient dissenting voice
opposition party
to cross the floor of the house Verb
opposition party majority
opposition politician
dissenting opinion Noun, Law
to roll up opposition Verb
to dissent from ... Verb, Law
main opposition Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
main opposition party Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
leader of the chief opposition party
leader of the main opposition party Noun, Politics-Intl. Relations
to offer a determined opposition to a measure Verb
with one dissentient dissenting vote
to stand in the doorway Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Uymama, başka türlü olma