1. İsim, Hukuk employee
  2. working
  3. on employment
Manufacture of fluid power equipment (NACE code: C28.1.2) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel (NACE code: T97) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel (NACE code: T97.0) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel (NACE code: T97.0.0) İsim, Sanayi ve Zanaatler
private practitioner İsim, Tıp
as busy as a bee
synchronous Sıfat
synergic Bilgi Teknolojileri
glutton for work
operated by electricity
captious Sıfat
wage earner İsim, Ekonomi
engine driven
nuclear- powered
battery operated
fully occupied
full timer
whole- timer
full timer
under sail
occupied population
labouring man
level of employment
employed woman
working woman
working wife
active brain
working model
occupied population
working population
force of men employed
number of staff İsim, İşletme
employed population
alternating current plant
occasional hand
primary bank reserve
gasoline station attendant
stock market worker
stock market worker
white- collared employees İsim
hard worker
warehouse boy
permanent laborer İsim
governmental client
electric automobile
(US) blue-collar worker
blue-collar worker
housekeeping crew
continuous operation
temporary staff
efficient secretary
coin- operated machine
coin-operated public telephone
non-profit association
benevolent association
nonprofit association
philantropic institution
non profit-making institution
philanthropic institution
(Br) benefit company
individual entrepreneur
short-time worker
key-operated machine
commission agent
traveller on commission
(US) store worker
piece-rate employee employe
battery operated set
hourly employee employe
unlicenced broker
free-lance translator
free-lance artist
self-employed person
covenanted employee
full-time employee
full-time employee
low-cost plant
long- service employee
piece-rate employee
part time employee
half- time worker
short hour-worker
part-time worker
part-time employee
part-time employee employe
plant working with a deficit
stubborn soil