1. alcohol
  2. essence
  3. hard stuff
unsecured creditor ethyl alcohol
ethyl alcohol
isopropyl alcohol
methyl alcohol
pure alcohol
absolute alcohol İsim, Kimya
surgical spirit
to abuse alcohol Fiil
rubbing alcohol İsim, Tıp
surgical spirit İsim, Tıp
alcohol-based disinfectant İsim, Tıp
alcoholic strength
percentage alcohol
proof of spirits
to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor Fiil
to forbear to drink alcohol Fiil
to have the jumps Fiil
drinking problem İsim, Psikoloji
breath test
level of alcohol
binge drinking İsim
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) İsim, Hastalıklar
to lace Fiil
blood alcohol level İsim, Tıp
methanol poisoning İsim, Tıp
Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority İsim
Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority İsim, Kurum İsimleri

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Mayalanma sonunda hidrokarbon birleşiklerindeki bir hidrojenin ... mürekkep organik madde, ispirto