1. İsim, Medeni Hukuk eviction, release
  2. İsim, Hukuk release
  3. discharge
  4. İsim evacuation
  5. eviction
  6. dashboard
  7. ejection
  8. dispossession
  9. unloading
  10. discharging
  11. ejectment
  12. voidance
  13. surrender of lease
  14. surrender of possession
  15. (cargo) emptying
  16. (people) evacuation
  17. (building) vacating
  18. (prisoner) releasing
  19. setting free
discharge of the dependant
eviction of a tenant
release on licence
release ipso jure İsim, Hukuk
release from prison
discharge from prison
actual eviction
release on probation
illegal release
release on bail
partial eviction
eviction for nonpayment of rent
probation İsim
release on probation
conditional discharge
probation İsim
conditional release
unconditional release
(ships) loading and unloading
loading and unloading İsim, Lojistik
medical evacuation İsim
application for release
landing certificate
action in ejectment İsim
discharge case İsim
action for evacuation İsim
action for ejection İsim
eviction case İsim, Hukuk
to sue for eviction Fiil
to take legal yens for ejectment Fiil
to sue for ejection Fiil
to sue for possession Fiil
responsibility of eviction
landing book
discharge petition
after care for discharged prisoners
release from custody
to get one's ticket Fiil
right not to be evicted
evacuated zone
evicted tenant
order to quit
order to release
eviction order
release order
to apply to the court for an order of discharge Fiil
off loading
to pass Fiil
to discharge Fiil
to surrender the lease Fiil
to load out Fiil
to empty Fiil
to clear Fiil
to evacuate Fiil
to move along Fiil
to free a prisoner Fiil
to free Fiil
to evict Fiil
to evict Fiil
to give notice Fiil
eviction notice
ticket of leave
eviction decree
order for possession
release decision İsim, Hukuk
to apply to the court for an order of discharge Fiil
to suspend an order of possession Fiil
release orders İsim, Hukuk
be released Fiil, Hukuk
evacuation plan
evacuation chair İsim, İş Güvenliği
to break one's ticket of leave Fiil
eviction proceedings
to demand a release Fiil
salvage charges
discharging fees İsim
discharging expenses İsim
landing and service charge
discharged and acquitted
to be released from prison
to quit the premises Fiil
to vacate an apartment Fiil
to move out of an apartment Fiil
to empty a house Fiil
to vacate an apartment Fiil
to give a tenant notice to quit Fiil
to revoke an order of discharge Fiil
to bail a prisoner Fiil
to remand a prisoner on bail Fiil
to put a prisoner on parole Fiil
to release someone from prison Fiil
to put someone on parole Fiil
to discharge someone on licence Fiil
to free someone Fiil
to move along someone Fiil
to be discharged on the ground of insufficient evidence Fiil
to discharge for a just cause Fiil
order for the release from prison
order to release from prison
to release from prison Fiil
to discharge from prison Fiil
certificate of eviction
to enforce an administrative eviction decree Fiil
to let on bail Fiil
to release on bail Fiil
to let out on bail Fiil
to give a tenant notice to quit Fiil
to serve a tenant with notice to quit Fiil
to protect a tenant against eviction Fiil
to evict a tenant Fiil
to eject a tenant Fiil
to evict a tenant for not paying rent Fiil
to evict a tenent for not paying rent Fiil
to discharge the accused Fiil
to be released on parole Fiil
to break the terms of probation
to break the terms of probation Fiil
ticket- of-leave man
to be placed on probation Fiil
to be put on parole Fiil
to be put on ticket leave Fiil
to make an order of conditional discharge Fiil
to make an order for conditional discharge Fiil
to bind over Fiil
to bind a sentence over on probation Fiil
to suspend a sentence on probation Fiil
to suspend a sentece on probation Fiil
to revoke the parole Fiil
parole board İsim, Hukuk
parole board İsim, Hukuk
probationary term
term of probation
terms of probation İsim
to deplane Fiil, Ulaşım

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Boşaltma, boşaltılma, ... bırakma, bırakılma
  2. Süsleme, bezeme, donatma