1. amount
  2. sum
  3. number
  4. amount to
  5. count
  6. wad
  7. total
loan drawdown amount İsim, Bankacılık
drawdown amount İsim, Bankacılık
loan drawdown amount İsim, Bankacılık
drawdown amount İsim, Bankacılık
salvage amount İsim, Sigorta
minimal amount
compound amount
gross amount
amount in dispute İsim, Hukuk
I am a poor sailer
correction amount
sum in excess
chargeable amount
fixed amount İsim
net amount
sum paid as compensation
compensatory amount
final amount
inclusive sum
gross sum
total sum
Member States shall retain the right
exemption İsim, Vergi ve Gümrük
half the amount
to hold water Fiil
to pay someone something Fiil
to pay someone something Fiil
to be liable to seasickness Fiil
to be liable to sea sickness Fiil
wrong on so many levels İsim, Deyim
to become partial Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

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