1. İsim, Hukuk territorial jurisdiction, jurisdiction ratione loci
  2. İsim authority
  3. hand
  4. power
  5. right
  6. benefit
  7. command
  8. Hukuk jurisdiction
  9. Hukuk competence
  10. sanction
  11. Bilgi Teknolojileri clearance
  12. İsim entitlement
  13. warranty
  14. prerogative
  15. potency
  16. attribution
  17. İsim authorization
  18. imperium
  19. delegacy
  20. conusance
  21. terms of reference
  22. mandat
  23. İsim, Usul Hukuku territorial jurisdiction
right of pardon
power of pardon
power to collect
collecting power
authority to contract
letter of authority
authority to negotiate
military jurisdiction
ministerial power
authority for withdrawal
power to operate on an account
power of a committee
power of an agent İsim
lending power
authority to collect debts
budgetary authority
punitive power
power to indorse
conflicting jurisdiction
contentious jurisdiction
supervisory power
maritime jurisdiction
power of alienation
authority from the state
state authority
authority of the state
disciplinary jurisdiction
disciplinary power
matrimonial jurisdiction
removal jurisdiction
general jurisdiction
general jurisdiction
large discretion
arbitrator jurisdiction
arbitrager arbitragist jurisdiction
discretion of judge
judiciary power
carrier's lien
spending power
capacity to act
executive authority
administrative competence
administrative discretion
administrative jurisdiction
arbitrary power
capacity for advancement
signing power
authorization to sign
power to sign
signing authority
labor jurisdiction İsim, Hukuk
operating authority
eminent domain İsim, Hukuk
lawmaking power
statutory agency
statutory agency
power to take decision
arbitrament İsim, Hukuk
capacity to act as trustee
common law jurisdiction
jurisdiction İsim, Hukuk
local competence
husband's authorization
consular authority
consular power
disposition İsim
national jurisdiction
interior jurisdiction
authority to execute a deed
cumulative jurisdiction
authority to barter
managerial prerogative
authority of directors
exclusive jurisdiction
exclusive jurisdiction
consignatory powers
negotiating power
negotiating power
payment authorization
authorization to pay
authority to pay
special jurisdiction
bargaining agency
bargaining power
police powers
authority to purchase
authority to sell
absolute discretion
power to contract
contractual power
criminal jurisdiction
criminal jurisdiction
summary jurisdiction
corporate authority
power to amend
authority to barter
discretionary authority Hukuk
power of discretion
discretionary power
suspension power
full jurisdiction
unlimited jurisdiction
competency of witness
authority to dispose
disposing power
power of disposal
liquidator's power
visitatorial power
single signature
summary jurisdiction
authority to represent
representative authority
letter of attorney
authority to act
agency authorization
appellate jurisdiction
jurisdiction in probate matters
capacity to take delivery
delivery power
power of initiative
detaining power
flight authorization
international jurisdiction
power of testation
proxy power
power of tax
taxation power
foreign jurisdiction
judicial power
judiciary power
authority of the court
the power to adjudicate
legislative power
trustee's power
capacity to act as trustee
territorial jurisdiction
domestic jurisdiction
authority matrix İsim, İşletme
authorization matrix İsim, İşletme
jurisdiction agreement, choice-of-court agreement, forum selection agreement İsim, Sözleşme Hukuku
jurisdiction clause, choice-of-court clause, forum selection clause İsim, Sözleşme Hukuku
venue jurisdiction
administrative competence
executive power
compulsory powers

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

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