1. prime
  2. premier
  3. primary
  4. initial
  5. alpha
  6. fundamental
  7. first
  8. freshman
  9. head
  10. premiere
  11. fore
  12. lead-off
  13. the first
  14. erst
on the first try Zarf
top of the class İsim, Eğitim
head of the class İsim, Eğitim
January İsim
(Lat.) primus interpares
top candidate
mezzanine Tiyatro
primary care İsim, Tıp
first applicant
first inventor
prime banker's acceptances
prior mortgage
first mortgage İsim, Hukuk
first-mortgage loan
first mortgage bond
first-mortgage investments İsim
immediate liquidity
prime trade bill
first-degree burn
primary boycott
immediate heir
senior mortgage
first mortgage
prior mortgage
first mortgage bonds İsim
coefficient of immediate liquidity
to play the first fiddle Fiil
first-degree burn
first degree burn
(statistics) error of first kind
in the first remove
first half İsim, Spor
first world İsim
(at) first-hand
to be placed first Fiil
to be the best Fiil
to take the cake Fiil
to come in first Fiil
to carry off the honors Fiil
offset paper İsim
prime quality
first rate quality
hot stuff
first a-
first rate
first class quality
of first choice
of supreme quality
first chop
first choice
of first (prime) quality
top quality
primary quality
first-rate goods
first choice articles
superior articles İsim
first mate
first storey
first floor
(Br) first floor
(US) first storey
(painting) first coat
to live on the first floor Fiil
first b
first class
to travel pullman Fiil
top- of-the-line model
first watch
to come first Fiil
to be placed first Fiil
to come out on top Fiil
to head Fiil
to win Fiil
to take the first prize Fiil
to carry away the first prize Fiil
to give someone an earnest money Fiil
front page
of first-rate make
first- chop
top- notch
first class
first rate
gilt edged
rip roaring
world-class Sıfat
prime banker's acceptance
first class ticket
first class fare
key state official
slap-up education
counsel l or of embassy
first rate firm
first class ship
able-bodied seaman
first-rate stock
first-rate stock İsim
high-grade shares İsim
quality stock İsim
glamour stocks İsim
first-class service
first-class work
first rate workmanship
first class work
first class cabin
first-class securities İsim
first-class compartment
first-rate credit
high- class goods
first class hotel
high-grade investment
investment securities İsim
front rank politician
first-class references İsim
first rate secretary
first-rate bill
prime trade bill
glamo u r stock rating
fine papers İsim
first class service
top- hat insurance policy
senior lien bonds İsim
fine trade paper
first-class carriage
first class railway carriage
first class carriage
(Br) first-class carriage
prime investment
high- class investment
high grade investment
top publication
first classer
first class passenger
first-class passenger
preliminary condition
first round İsim, Spor
low gear
first gear Ulaşım
first speed
bottom gear
engagement of the first gear
first strike capability
first half İsim, Spor
to come out top Fiil
first quarter of ... İsim, Ekonomi
the first form
to come in first Fiil

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Bir sayısının sıra sıfatı, sırada yeri ... ikinciden önce olan, ilk