1. able
  2. tight
  3. clever
  4. trick
  5. subtle
  6. handsome
  7. finished
  8. tricky
  9. gifted
  10. cunning
  11. Sıfat ingenious
  12. good
  13. accomplished
  14. quaint
  15. crafty
  16. industrious
  17. artful
  18. adroit
  19. Sıfat dexterous
  20. skillful
  21. neat
  22. versed
  23. made with craftsmanship
  24. done with skill
  25. inventive
  26. canny
  27. feat
  28. sciential
  29. daedal
  30. enginous
dexterous Sıfat
skillfully Zarf

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Hüneri olan, ... sâhibi, usta