1. poker
  2. crowbar
  3. long
  4. pointed bar
  5. (fire) poker
  6. handspike
hammer and tongs
to impugn the truth of a statement Fiil
to cast a doubtful light on sth Fiil
to call in question Fiil
to be suspicious of someone Fiil
to impugn sb's good faith Fiil
to be suspicious of something Fiil
to exclude all possibilities of doubt Fiil
to question on the responsibility of someone seeking a loan Fiil
to question the responsibility of someone seeking a loan Fiil
question İsim
uneasy suspicion
scepticism skepticism
to be under suspicion Fiil
person under suspicion
to entertain suspicions Fiil
dubious Sıfat
impeachment İsim
to doubt Fiil
to get suspicious Fiil
taint of suspicion
to harbo u r suspicion Fiil
to plant suspicion Fiil
doubtful character
suspicious person
dubious Sıfat
suspicious Sıfat
to be creative of suspicion Fiil
impeachment İsim
to cast suspicion Fiil
to fall under suspicion Fiil
to sound fishy Fiil
to arouse (be looked upon with) suspicion Fiil
to cast (throw) suspicion Fiil
suspicious Sıfat
strong suspicion
unfounded suspicion
gratuitous suspicion
well- founded suspicion
reasonable doubt
reasonable suspicion
groundless suspicion
unfounded suspicion

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Taş, duvar vb

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