pre-paid corporate tax İsim, Muhasebe
  1. İsim institutions
regulatory and supervisory authorities İsim, Hukuk
autonomous establishments İsim
affiliated organizations İsim
budgetary institutions İsim
other institutions İsim
authorized dealers in foreign exchange İsim
regulatory agencies İsim, Rekabet Hukuku
financial institutions İsim
union institutions İsim
corporation (income) tax
(Br) corporate tax
corporate tax
institutions advertising
sociology of institutions İsim, Sosyoloji
company tax
(US) tax on corporations
operating return
corporation tax
corporate tax
tax on corporations
(US) corporation income tax
corporate income tax
corporation income tax
corporate tax return İsim, Vergi ve Gümrük
corporation tax liability
corporate tax rate
corporation tax computation
corporate tax cut
Corporate Tax Law Özel Isim, Hukuk
corporation tax legislation İsim, Hukuk
corporate tax privilege
taxpayer paying corporate tax İsim, Muhasebe
obligation to pay corporate tax İsim, Muhasebe
corporation tax rate
rate of corporation tax
franked payments İsim
scheme of corporationt tax
corporation tax scheme
to charge corporation tax Fiil
immunity of corporation tax
to assess to corporation tax Fiil
to assess the corporation tax Fiil
mainstream corporation tax
corporation tax overprovided in previous years
(Br) income tax and corporation taxes Act
income tax and corporation taxes act
surplus (of) franked investment income
advance corporation tax
public accounts İsim
corporated income-tax return
(US) corporate income tax return
corporate income tax exemption
(US) corporate income tax exemption
corporation tax due