to pinch Fiil
to double Fiil
to trouble someone with something Fiil
to embarrass someone with indiscreet questions Fiil
to make someone nervous Fiil
to throttle Fiil
to wring Fiil
to take one's courage in both hands Fiil
to bore Fiil
to annoy Fiil
to torment Fiil
to bother Fiil
to depress Fiil
to displease Fiil
to disappoint Fiil
to vex Fiil
to peeve Fiil
to exasperate Fiil
to dissatisfy Fiil
to beleaguer Fiil
to annoy sb Fiil
to make a nuisance of oneself Fiil
to take one's courage in both hands Fiil
to grit Fiil
to pester someone with request of help Fiil
to hose Fiil
to blow one's brains out Fiil
to tighten ones belt Fiil
to tighten one's belt Fiil
to tighten the purse strings Fiil
to zip one's pocket tighter Fiil
to grip one's purse strings tightly Fiil
to tighten up on one's credit terms Fiil
(slang) to talk bunk Fiil
to lie in one's throat Fiil
to draw the longbow Fiil
to tighten monetary screws Fiil
to tighten the monetary screws Fiil
to force juice out of an orange Fiil
to spin dry Fiil
to tighten a bandage Fiil
to bother Fiil
to compress Fiil
to restrict Fiil
to crush Fiil
to distress Fiil
to ahead Fiil
to annoy Fiil
to rack Fiil
to gripe Fiil
to squeeze Fiil
to press Fiil
to trouble Fiil
to chagrin Fiil
to mangle Fiil
to put pressure on sb Fiil
to pester Fiil
to spray Fiil
to brace Fiil
to heave Fiil
to strangulate Fiil
to extrude Fiil
to clasp Fiil
to straiten Fiil
to tighten Fiil
to fire Fiil
to jam Fiil
to wring Fiil
to crib Fiil
(bullet) to shoot Fiil
to tighten up the screws Fiil
to ball up your fists Fiil

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