1. for value
for cash
on the nail
equal to cash
to be punished with a fine Fiil
to be fined Fiil
to marry money Fiil
to contribute money Fiil
to make off with the money Fiil
currency manipulation
pecuniary reparation
mercenary marriage
to scrape along Fiil
to cutt off one's nose to spite one's face Fiil
performance in money
to have one's pockets full of money Fiil
to line one's purse well Fiil
remittance in any convertible currency
to finance with short-term money Fiil
specie payment
to pay in specie Fiil
to sell for current payment Fiil
to sell for cash Fiil
transaction for cash
to send someone a sum of money by post Fiil
to loan on interest Fiil
to get money from someone by trick Fiil
to hustle Fiil
anti-money laundering İsim, Bankacılık
to turn an honest penny Fiil
to deal in money Fiil
to lend at usurious interest Fiil
full- bodied currency
disposal of money by will