1. Sıfat standard
  2. general
  3. ordinary
  4. conventional
  5. everyday
  6. accustomed
  7. customary
  8. habitual
  9. routine
  10. common
  11. wonted
  12. consuetudinary
  13. normal
  14. usual
  15. all in the day's work
traditionally Zarf
traditionally Zarf
customary fare
audit routine
routine audit
customary rate of interest
usual charges İsim
customary services İsim
habitual country of residence İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk
habitual residence İsim, Medeni Hukuk
according to customs
customary risks İsim
conventional channels İsim

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Alışkanlık hâline ... her zamanki